Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Disgraced cop busted in biker gang’s attack

His face is being shielded to protect the innocent — even though he’s not one of them.
Disgraced undercover NYPD Detective Wojciech Braszczok was hauled into court on felony gang-assault charges Wednesday for allegedly terrorizing a Manhattan family during a biker-mob assault near the West Side Highway, but he won the right to keep his mug out of the public eye.
Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Tamiko Amaker barred news photographers from snapping the cop in court, buying his defense lawyer’s argument that exposing his face “would jeopardize his life and his family.”
The Post has clear photos of Braszczok’s face, but has chosen not to publish them, lest that endanger the lives of the undercover heroes he works with.
“My client has been an undercover . . . in the Intelligence Division of the NYPD, infiltrating various organizations,” lawyer John Arlia told the judge as Braszczok was arraigned on charges that could jail him for 25 years.
Amaker was also told that Braszczok has been supplying undercover intelligence for the feds, a source said.

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